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Brentwood City Commission Agenda
Meeting Date: 09/27/2021  
Approval to Purchase Seven (7) Light Bar Packages for the Police Department From Truckers Lighthouse Under State Contract
Submitted by: David Gossett, Police
Department: Police  

Approval to purchase seven (7) light bar packages for the police department.  This purchase is under state contract.
The police department requests approval for the purchase of seven Whelen Legacy light bar packages. This purchase is in conjunction with the scheduled replacement of 5 Dodge Charger patrol vehicles, 1 Dodge Durango, and 1 Chevrolet Tahoe in FY 2022. The light bar package includes the Whelen Legacy light bar, carbide siren controller, siren speaker, rear deck, and push bumper lights with mounting brackets. Truckers Lighthouse is the vendor that has been awarded the Tennessee Statewide Purchasing Contract (SWC202, #64203) for Whelen Legacy police products.

The cost per unit for the Whelen light bar package for the Dodge Chargers is $4,441.84. The cost for the Whelen light package for the Dodge Durango is $3,671.82, and the cost for the Chevrolet Tahoe is $3,592.24, bringing the total cost for 7 units to $29,473.26. Funding for this purchase will come from the Equipment Replacement Fund as part of the budgeted replacement cost for the new police vehicles.

Please contact the Police Chief with any questions.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the purchase of 7 Whelen Legacy light bar packages from Truckers Lighthouse pursuant to the statewide contract.

Fiscal Impact
Amount : $29,473.26
Source of Funds: Equipment Replacement Fund
Account Number: 310-42100-89520
Fiscal Impact:
Replacement of light bars is included in the budgeted replacement cost for police vehicles within the Equipment Replacement Fund.
Lightbar photo
Charger lightbar quote
Durango lightbar quote
Tahoe lightbar quote
State Contract

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