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Brentwood City Commission Agenda
Meeting Date: 07/09/2018  
Resolution 2018-56 - Agreement with Snapshot Interactive for Video Production Services
Submitted by: Deanna Lambert, Community Relations
Department: Community Relations  

Resolution 2018-56 - Approval of an Agreement with Snapshot Interactive for Video Production Services for the City of Brentwood
Included in the FY 2019 Community Relations budget is $55,000 for items pertaining to the City of Brentwood’s 50th Anniversary celebration.  The City Commission determined that part of those funds should be used for creating a video documentary to commemorate the establishment of the City and its history since incorporation in 1969.

The City issued a Request for Proposals from interested vendors in an advertisement dated May 18, 2018.  A question and answer session was held at Brentwood City Hall on May 23 where four companies were present to ask questions.  The City received and opened twelve sealed proposals on June 8, 2018.  Those competitive proposals range in price from the lowest of $5,295 to the highest of $93,772.
Bidder Base Bid
Visual Goodness, Inc. $93,772
Native $45,895
Stonecastle Pictures $42,000
Message Makers $37,500
Premier Companies $31,900
Spiracle Media $27,460
Forage Films $27,246
Snapshot Interactive $26,380
Fiat Luxx $25,155 (non-responsive)
Sandbox Films $19,950 (Out of Country vendor and considerable expenses due to travel)
Pretzal Pictures $16,850 (low-end graphic quality)
Vid Monster Productions $5,295 (inexperience and poor audio/video quality)
The City's Community Relations Director, who has more than a decade of broadcast television experience, along with a member of the City’s 50th Steering Committee who is a former film producer and two other city staff members reviewed various proposals for quality of work, credentials and experience.  All representatives agreed on Snapshot Interactive as the most responsible company for the desired City project based on their business experience, consistency in video and audio quality, and their Nashville, Tennessee-based location. 
Snapshot Interactive submitted a proposal with a $26,380 cost. They provided one example of a historical story about relocating its company to an old church.  The storyline was clear, suspenseful, and creative in that it used its interviewees to present the story; therefore, no voice-over narration required.  This technique is what is sought for the City's video project as this will keep costs low by foregoing professional voice-over talent.   Staff sought additional examples to review from this company on its website and saw consistent high quality on-screen graphics, clear storytelling, excellent use of old and new video, superior audio in comparison to other low bid proposals, consistent camera techniques, and creative use of leading with natural sound in story transitions.   In addition to the company's quality work examples, they delivered a very specific and realistic proposal in terms of cost and project expectations for all parties involved.   They have presented very clearly how many days will be needed to shoot, what is included in post-production and how many edits are involved in each phase of the revision process.   Because they are based in Nashville, it will be easy to schedule shooting days and short notice meetings to discuss edits and content.   When staff cross-checked references for Snapshot Interactive, all recommended using the company with enthusiasm.

This procurement process was structured as a Request for Proposals rather than a competitive bid because of the somewhat subjective nature of the review and selection process, which is focused on experience and quality of product and not just price.  While several other firms submitted proposals with a lower total cost, the review committee had various concerns about each of those firms.  The review committee's comments regarding each of these other lower cost proposal firms are attached for your information.

If any questions, please contact the Community Relations Director.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution awarding the contract for the Video Production Services to the fourth-lowest bidder, Snapshot Interactive, based out of Nashville, for $26,380.  If awarded, the project is expected to take approximately seven months for completion.
Previous Commission Action

Fiscal Impact
Amount : $26,380
Source of Funds: General Fund
Account Number: 110-41680-82591
Fiscal Impact:
Included in the FY 2019 Community Relations Department budget in the General Fund is $55,000 for items pertaining to the City of Brentwood’s 50th Anniversary celebration.
Resolution 2018-56
Contract No. 2018-027_SnapShot
Review Committee Comments on Lower Cost Proposals
Signed Resolution

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