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Brentwood City Commission Agenda
Meeting Date: 06/26/2017  
Resolution 2017-45 - Adopting the Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Years 2018-2023
Submitted by: Jay Evans, Administration
Department: Administration  

Resolution 2017-45 - Adopting the Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Years 2018-2023

Staff requests formal adoption of the FY 2018-2023 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) via the attached resolution. As you know, the CIP is an essential component for addressing the long-term infrastructure and facility needs of the community in a systematic and financially responsible manner. The proposed six-year plan includes 54 projects and improvements with a total anticipated investment of $138,440,000. Approximately 85 percent of the proposed expenditures are transportation, utilities or parks projects, with the remaining projects focused on the facilities and equipment, technology and storm drainage needs of the City.

The draft CIP was reviewed by the City Commission at a work session on April 4, 2017, with formal public hearings on May 22, June 13, and June 26.  No changes or revisions to the draft plan were proposed or suggested at the work session or public hearings prior to today's date.

Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the resolution adopting the Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Years 2018-2023.
Previous Commission Action
In June of each year, the City Commission adopts the Capital Improvements program for the following six-year time period.  The FY 2017-2022 CIP was adopted on June 27, 2016.

Fiscal Impact
Amount :
Source of Funds:
Account Number:
Fiscal Impact:
The costs associated with the first year of the FY 2018-2023 CIP is fully funded in the proposed FY 2018 budget.  The remaining five years of the CIP are primarily for planning purposes and will be updated annually.
Resolution 2017-45
Signed Resolution

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