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Brentwood City Commission Agenda
Meeting Date: 03/25/2024  
Res 2024-33 - Approval of Change Order with Kane Konnections, LLC contractors for fiber extensions
Submitted by: Chris Milton, Water & Sewer
Department: Water & Sewer  

Resolution 2024-33 - Approval of Change Order with Kane Konnections, LLC contractors for fiber extensions.
In November 2023, the City Board approved an agreement with Kane Konnections, LLC to extend the City’s fiber optic infrastructure from Franklin Road to the City’s communications and Water Services facilities located on Robert E. Lee Lane, south of Longstreet Drive.  This project expands the City's fiber optic infrastructure to these facilities to improve utility remote supervisory control and connectivity, especially during inclement weather, as well as provide connectivity redundancy for the communications network.  The fiber extension project and subsequent agreement were the result of a public solicitation in which Kane Konnections submitted the lowest of three bidder’s proposals in the amount of $268,068. 
Included in the Water Services capital improvements plan for the current fiscal year, fiber is proposed to be extended to multiple water and sewer facilities.  Water Services takes advantage of fiber extension projects completed by the city when extensions are located within reasonable proximity to water tanks or water and sewer stations.  Connecting to the City’s fiber network permits communications from these facilities to be removed from a less secure cellular system, reduces costs and increases reliability as opposed to cell service, and can provide redundancy. 
Because the Kane Konnections agreement was procured via the public solicitation process and pricing for this work is very competitive, Water Services is requesting approval to expand the scope of work with Kane Konnections to include extending fiber to the following facilities:  Skyline Water Tank; Split Log Road Water Tank; Moore’s Lane Sewer Pump Station; and Owen’s Corner Sewer Pump Station.  The amount of this proposed change order is not to exceed $196,341.83, which includes a 10% contingency allowance which would only be used should an unknown circumstance arise during construction.  Staff is recommending approval of the change order.  Attached is a site map and a detailed scope of work. 

Please direct any questions to Chris Milton, Water Services Director. 
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval.  
Previous Commission Action
Resolution 2023-120.  Approval of an agreement with Kane Konnections, LLC for fiber extention project to Robert E. Lee.   

Fiscal Impact
Amount : $196,341.83
Source of Funds: Water & Sewer
Account Number: 412-16700
Fiscal Impact:
Resolution 2024-33
Change Order No. 1 to COB Contract # 2023-172
Kane Konnections Contract #2023-172
Project Site Map
Signed Resolution
Signed Change Order

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