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Brentwood City Commission Agenda
Meeting Date: 12/13/2021  
Resolution 2021-141 - Agreement with Sullivan Engineering, Inc. for Design Services for Split Log Road (Phase 3) Improvements
Submitted by: Darek Baskin, Engineering
Department: Engineering  

Resolution 2021-141 - Authorizing an Agreement with Sullivan Engineering, Inc. (SEI), for Design Services for the Split Log Road (Phase 3) Improvements project
This proposed agreement is with on-call consultant Sullivan Engineering, Inc. (SEI) for Preliminary Engineering and Right-of-Way design services for improvements to a 2.39 mile section of Split Log Road from the end of the Phase 2 project (approximately 1,500 linear feet (LF) east of Pleasant Hill Road) to its intersection with Sunset Road and a small portion of Sunset Road.   This project is the third phase of the Split Log Road improvements, with Phase 1 between Wilson Pike and Ragsdale Road having been completed in 2008, and Phase 2 between the intersection of Ragsdale Road and 1,500 LF east of Pleasant Hill Road having been completed in 2011.  The project will include preliminary engineering and right-of-way plans for widening of the road to provide two 12-foot travel lanes and a continuous 12-foot center turn lane (with periodic islands). The improvements will also include a curb and gutter section with a 10-foot wide multi-use path along the south side, separated from the roadway by a 5-foot wide green strip.

The previous two phases are complete through construction.  Development interest in the area along the northern portion of this Phase 3 route of Split Log Road project is fast growing and roadway right-of-way must soon be established to insure new developments are planned in a way that facilitates this future road widening project.  Access points for future developments require strict coordination with the proposed horizontal and vertical alignment of this improved roadway. Portions of this phase of the roadway are presently in the City's Urban Growth Boundary.  The recently annexed Taube property is along this corridor.  This study will provide staff with the needed information to update our long-range transportation plan and form the basis for determining how development in the area will be served by the road network.  The preliminary design and right-of-way plan is the first part of completing Phase 3 of Split Log Road, and the plan will give us the basic information needed to make decisions in the upcoming years.

Split Log Road is listed in the Greater Nashville Regional Council 2045 Regional Transportation Plan as application identification number 2779.  The project is also listed and shown within the Williamson County’s current Major Thoroughfare Plan Update (completed in 2011).  The project is identified on the plan as “N-20, Extend Split Log Road …from Sam Donald Road to Sunset Road” and includes realigning Split Log Road to connect to Sunset Road at the existing Waller Road intersection.  This roadway section is within the City's Urban Growth Boundary and a portion of the project is also included in the Brentwood 2030 Plan, published October 2016.  As currently proposed, this project will be funded entirely by the City with a portion of City funding coming from road impact fees.  

Acquisition of right-of-way will be the responsibility of the City and associated costs related to title search, appraisal, and purchase are not included in this contract.  Additionally, consultant selection for final design and construction engineering and inspection (CEI) services will be completed immediately prior to construction, so those services are not included in this agreement. 

As part of the SEI scope, a corridor study will also be prepared with an estimate of future traffic demand based on the Urban Growth Boundary potential and surrounding development. The study assessment will evaluate six intersections between Waller Road and Wilson Pike including; Waller Road, Sunset Road, Sam Donald Road, Pleasant Hill Road, Ragsdale Road and Wilson Pike. 

The scope for this project includes all aspects of analysis and design necessary to complete preliminary design drawings and right-of-way documents.  The agreement and contract for this project are attached.  A project map and estimation of project scheduled is included in the contract.  The total cost requested for this agreement is $770,000, which includes $6,320.00 for contingency costs. 

While this is a significant project that is not currently budgeted in FY 2022, staff believes the timing of development activity along the corridor necessitates initiation of this work at this time. 

Please direct any questions to the Engineering Director.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the agreement with SEI.
Previous Commission Action
This project is the third phase of the Split Log Road improvements, with Phase 1 having been completed in 2008, and Phase 2 in 2011.

This project is included in the City's adopted Major Thoroughfare Plan and, when ultimately constructed, will extend the improved roadway section previously constructed and complete the improvement of Split Log Road from Wilson Pike to Sunset Road.

Fiscal Impact
Amount : $770,000.00
Source of Funds: Capital Projects Fund
Account Number: 311-43100-1037
Fiscal Impact:
Since this work is not currently included in the FY 2022 Capital Projects Fund budget, a year-end FY 2022 budget amendment will be necessary to appropriate funds.

Approximately $2.0M is projected to be available in the Public Works Project Fund (PWPF) by FYE 2022 for road improvement projects such as this.  If this agreement is approved, a fiscal year-end transfer would be made from the PWPF to the Capital Projects fund, where these project costs would be expensed.  Expenditures would occur in both FY 2022 and FY 2023.  A FY 2022 year-end budget amendment would be required to fund the FY 2022 portion of the project (estimated at $300,000), and PWPF funds would be proposed in the FY 2023 budget to cover the remainder of these design costs.  
Resolution 2021-141
COB Contract #: 2021-218 SEI Consultants Split Log Phase 3
Study Area Map
Signed Resolution
Signed Contract

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